
Welcome! We’re excited you’re attending Virtual Harmony University 2021.

If you are not already registered for Virtual Harmony University, you can register HERE

If you are new to Sched and would like to learn more about how to use the program, check out this guide or this video 

Types of courses 

Virtual Choir: Two sessions on Saturday 7/17 and Sunday 7/18. Make sure you add both to your schedule.  

Seminars: Each seminar consists of SIX sessions. Each session will be two hours long and will either be Monday, Wednesday, Friday OR Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Make sure you add all 6 sessions over the seminars’ two-week duration (July 19 - July 31) to your schedule.

Electives: These sessions are throughout the event and most will be 50 minutes long, though some are 110 minutes long. The electives are stand-alone classes that do not have other courses connected to them. 

General Sessions: We will have 4 general sessions on Sundays 7/18, 7/25, 8/01, and Saturday 8/07. Make sure you add all of them to your schedule so you don’t miss out on the fun! 

To read about a course, hover the cursor over the class title to see a short description.

To select a course, click the circle on the left of the title. Once you have selected a course, it is automatically saved and added to your schedule (note the Saved To My Sched widget that pops up in the bottom left corner).

To deselect the course if you change your mind, click the checked circle again.

You can return to Sched over and over again if you change your mind, and are welcome to select a different class. 

Attend Live Sessions

You will be able to access your Zoom Meeting or Webinars via an Open Zoom button that will appear on the course page in Sched. The Open Zoom button will only appear after you have added the class to your schedule.

Watch Recordings of Class Sessions

After a class has finished the video will be processed and then be added to the class session in Sched. The Open Zoom button will be replaced with a Video Stream button. Clicking the Video Stream button will open the video recording page. You will be able to rewatch the recordings as many times as you would like through September 1, 2021.
avatar for Kerstin Greaves

Kerstin Greaves

Berlin / Germany
Nach dem Abiturabschluss am Musikgymnasium G. E. Lessing in Hoyerswerda studierte Kerstin Musik und Germanistik an der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig. Sie wechselte zur Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin und führte gleichzeitig ihre klassische Gesangsausbildung an der Semperoper in Dresden fort. In den anschliessend folgenden 8 Jahren in England und den Niederlanden arbeitete sie als Sängerin und Gesangscoach. Im Jahr 2010, nach der Geburt ihrer beiden Kinder entschied sie sich, sich voll und ganz auf eine Musikkarriere zu konzentrieren.
Heute ist Kerstin als Gesangslehrerin/-coach, Chor-/Orchesterleiterin und Sängerin tätig. Im Juni 2021 beendete sie ihr zusätzliches 3-jähriges Studium am Complete Vocal Institute in Kopenhagen als authorizierte CVT-Sängerin/-Lehrerin.
"Was ich in den vielen Jahren des Entdeckens durch die verschiedenen Gesangstechniken gelernt habe: Jeder setzt sie anders um. Mein größtes Anliegen ist es, die individuelle Methodenkombination für die jeweilige Person herauszuarbeiten und ihr die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Stimme offen, facettenreich und berührend zu gestalten."
Saturday, August 7

7:00pm CDT

  • Timezone
  • Filter By Date Virtual Harmony University 2021 Jul 17 -Aug 31, 2021
  • Filter By Venue Virtual Event
  • Filter By Type
  • Coaching
  • Elective
  • General Sessions
  • Seminar
  • Virtual Choir